Final Sermon in the Series "Teach Us to Pray" Dr. Mark Towns preaches at First Baptist Church Brownwood over the benediction of the Lord's Prayer.
Back to School: A History Lesson Sermon from Deuteronomy 6:4-9. Shema
Myles Werntz, Director of Baptist Studies at Abilene Christian University delivers a sermon at First Baptist Church Brownwood, TX. "No Bodies Without the Body".
Pastor Mark Towns preaches on the phrase "lead us" from the Lord's Prayer as part of the "Teach Us To Pray" series at FBC Brownwood.
Thy Will Be Done In the Teach Us To Pray Sermon Series, pastor Mark helps us focus on God's will as we continue to read through the Lord's Prayer.
Pastor Mark preaches in this second sermon on The Lord's Prayer as we focus on the phrase "Your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven".